It's 1984 and "Frankie Say" T-shirts and ZX Spectrums are all the rage. The 14 year old me gets his grubby little hands on his first ever copy of MEN ONLY - oh I'm so much of a man - mainly for the promise of cracking tit action from cover girl Debee Ashby (work out how you spell your name for God's sake Deborah!) only to find that I've been conned! She no in there. Bollocks. MEN ONLY would do this many a time over the next few years. Ah well, there's always the centrefold, a drop dead gorgeous young thing by the name of "Kitten"...
...only a few years later I find that "Kitten" was none other than the notorious Traci Lords! Result! MEN ONLY, I forgive you on that occasion for duping me. And here is that cleaned up photoset.
And some BONUS pix from the same session...
Thanks to DUMBASSGO from VEF for the MEN ONLY scans.
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