Our 8 Erotic Art Favorites From Tumblr Today (Some NSFW)

Here's some eye candy for your last week of 2012. We love Tumblr. We're tumbling more lately on GetLusty's Tumblr page. Our favorite pictures of the day. After reviewing our Tumblr feed, we saw some pretty steamy photos. Erotic, artistic, and sexy. So we thought in true GetLusty for Couples fashion--we'd share!

Speaking of social media, have you 'Liked' GetLusty on Facebook yet? We're also on Pinterest, as well as Twitter @getlusty. What?! You're on those platforms and aren't in tune with our awesome content? Have amazing sex. Get lusty.

The bed.

Just like an artist's easel

The naked man

Another naked man.


The cigarette.


Wonder where these came from? Check out our sources below:

#1 http://the-art-of-sexual-frustration.tumblr.com
#2 http://dixsteele.tumblr.com/
#3 http://oleplussafe.tumblr.com
#4 http://oleplussafe.tumblr.com
#5 http://lyralen.tumblr.com
#6 http://lyralen.tumblr.com
#7 http://lyralen.tumblr.com
#8 http://lyralen.tumblr.com