Vagina 101: Finding Your Clitoris

The better you know your body, the better your sexual experiences will be. The men definitely need to pay attention, but so do you ladies! Now get some paper and a pencil out, there'll be a pop quiz later.


Know Your Vagina

As a woman, you may think, "I don't need to know about my vagina. This is for the men." Not true. Having an understanding of your anatomy is empowering in itself.

Think about it. Our vaginas are amazing! We menstruate, give birth, and make love. I could talk all day about the wonder of vaginas, but let's get right into this.

Check out this picture from the Mayo Foundation on how the female anatomy looks.

Of course, not all vaginas look the same. In fact, vaginas come in many different colors, shapes, and sizes--just like ladies.

Exercise 1

Find the clitoris on the picture above. Now check out this video from the lovely Laci Green, a lady we really support!